May 18, 2024

What tools will I learn about in the Beyond Brave Community?

When it comes to “frequently asked questions” about the Beyond Brave Community, “What tools will I learn?” is one of the most important.

You don’t want to hear the same old things you’ve tried before that haven’t worked.

You don’t want complex, time-consuming tools that are hard to learn and harder to implement.

Maybe you don’t want “tools” at all, and are just seeking relief from stuck trauma so you can FEEL BETTER already.

Let me tell you the tools I use and teach. I encourage you to grow in whatever ways are right for you, and the Beyond Brave Community has plenty to offer.

I like things simple. It was easy for me to learn and apply the Reality Check Continuum years ago and I still continue to use this tool to reset my bad emotional and behavior habits.

Setting boundaries is complex, but my approach simplifies boundary-setting and breaks the process down into do-able actions.

When we get to a certain stage in healing from trauma, we automatically want to help others. I teach tools that keep people from being retraumatized through “helping” and build confidence, resilience, and strength.

I teach practical, concrete tools to balance and build up your spiritual and emotional reserves. I call these “meditations” because that’s a word we can all understand.

But I’ve learned that meditation in the classic sense (sit still for 20 minutes and think of nothing but my breath) is a valuable tool, but it’s not for me. I like guided meditations, and teach some really fantastic ones. I like to journal, contemplate, watch the river flow by, and stare off into space. Since I studied these types of “active” meditations, I understand how and why my body and brain change when I do them on purpose. So, you won’t be asked to sit still for 20 minutes and breathe; instead, the tools I teach to calm your mind and spirit require you to actively participate.

Asking for help and sharing my experiences were harder tools for me to apply. I used to be quite stubborn and believed that nobody else had experienced what I’ve experienced. I used to believe that nobody else could give me guidance, or teach me anything new, or even walk with me when I was in pain. I’ve learned better and now I’m able to teach how to ask for help and how to actually use help when it’s offered.

I always tell people the truth: If what you’re doing right now is working (you’re happy, calm, have good relationships, enjoy your family, enjoy your work, and are generally satisfied with life) keep doing what you’re doing.

If you are not happy and enjoying life a majority of the time, join the Beyond Brave Community and get ready to have beautiful insights as you build your life skills using the tools I teach. When you’ve mastered those, you’ll have a better idea about what you need to learn next.

Join now, look around the community, and send me a message through the community about what you think and feel right away. I look forward to hearing from you!

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